1. Rog has been saying that we should get some bubble bath for the kids for awhile now. I saw a bottle of Jake Bubble Bath while at Walmart, so I decided we'd give it a try. It has made bath time a little more entertaining to say the least!

2. I used some of Peyton's birthday money to buy her a tricycle. She was always wanting to sit on Corbyn's, so I thought she'd enjoy having her own and boy was I right! We've started taking them out whenever we go anywhere close. Corbyn rides his and I push Peyton on hers. She can't reach the pedals yet, but she'll grow into it. And it has made Corbyn a lot more interested in his - he's getting so good at it! (I'll get a picture of our little biker gang soon!)
3. We put away the high chair and moved Peyton to the turtle booster seat this week. She had started trying to escape her high chair and we thought she'd enjoy being at the table with the family. It hasn't made a huge difference, but Rog is happy because he kind of hates the high chair.

4. Today after Peyton's nap, I packed up the kids and made the trip up to the American Fork Wood Connection. (I hadn't been in awhile and was needing my fix.) I grabbed the diaper bag knowing that it only had one diaper. Sure enough both kids needed a diaper change while we were there, so I had to decide who to change. I finally settled on Corbyn because he knew he needed to be changed and would have known and been bothered if I didn't change him. (Can't wait until he's potty trained - we've got him saying that when he turns 3 he'll use the toilet. Fingers crossed he actually will!)
5. Tonight after dinner we went to get our first snow cone of the summer - Peyton's first ever. I think it's safe to say it was love at first bite for her.

2. I used some of Peyton's birthday money to buy her a tricycle. She was always wanting to sit on Corbyn's, so I thought she'd enjoy having her own and boy was I right! We've started taking them out whenever we go anywhere close. Corbyn rides his and I push Peyton on hers. She can't reach the pedals yet, but she'll grow into it. And it has made Corbyn a lot more interested in his - he's getting so good at it! (I'll get a picture of our little biker gang soon!)
3. We put away the high chair and moved Peyton to the turtle booster seat this week. She had started trying to escape her high chair and we thought she'd enjoy being at the table with the family. It hasn't made a huge difference, but Rog is happy because he kind of hates the high chair.
4. Today after Peyton's nap, I packed up the kids and made the trip up to the American Fork Wood Connection. (I hadn't been in awhile and was needing my fix.) I grabbed the diaper bag knowing that it only had one diaper. Sure enough both kids needed a diaper change while we were there, so I had to decide who to change. I finally settled on Corbyn because he knew he needed to be changed and would have known and been bothered if I didn't change him. (Can't wait until he's potty trained - we've got him saying that when he turns 3 he'll use the toilet. Fingers crossed he actually will!)
5. Tonight after dinner we went to get our first snow cone of the summer - Peyton's first ever. I think it's safe to say it was love at first bite for her.