Friday, September 5, 2008

Clap your hands everybody...

Everybody clap your hands. We're HHS above the rest; the best in the land! Up Down Up Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Up!

So a few months ago Emily asked me what the beginning of the cheer that ends in the up downs was. We asked Aubrey and she couldn't remember either. Finally today I thought about it while I was at work, so I wrote a quick message to Gina (one of our captains senior year), and she wrote back with the beginning of the cheer. I was so glad to have that mystery solved! When I told Roger about it, he said I had to blog about it. I'm sure he was just kidding, but I figured Emily and Aubrey would get a kick out of it.

For those of you who didn't know me in high school... Yes, I was a cheerleader. But I wasn't one of those dumb cheerleaders. I was purely in it for the dancing! Anyway, I figured while I was on this trip down memory lane, I might as well post some pictures. They're all from my senior year because that's when pictures started becoming digital. Enjoy!

This picture is my proof (along with a video I have) that I could do a back handspring at one point. I definitely cannot do one now, so don't ask. (I'm on the left towards the back.)

This is my song squad competing at Nationals. Song is a form of cheer that is kind of like drill except with only 6 or 7 people and it's a lot cooler than drill. (I'm 3rd in from the right.)

This is one of my favorite pictures. We (Song) got 4th and we were NOT happy about it!

And finally this is Aubrey, me, and Emily cheering at a football game. Love these girls!


  1. You are CORRECT!! I sure do love it!! I miss the good old days :)

  2. Ready Go! Chief is cool, the U drools and roger rules. Yea go Phillipesses!!!
