Sunday, September 7, 2008

We love the Zoo!

Saturday we commenced our "All things Utah" tour by going to the Hogle Zoo! When I was growing up I think we went every summer with my Grandpa Ririe and my cousins. So I practically had the layout memorized...or at least I knew exactly how it was when we would go when I was little. Well, as is usually the case, time changes things. Some of my favorite things were gone and other things had been changed, so I was a little disappointed. But we still had a good time.

Rog cracking out of his egg and me being a turtle.

Some Hogle Zoo classics

Haha... See the resemblance?

Elephants and Giraffes

The cougar had to be the coolest part of our zoo trip. As soon as we got to him, he woke up and started growling at something no one could see. I told Rog he knew the Cougars were playing and he was just giving them his support! GO COUGARS!!


  1. We totally have pictures in the lion drinking fountain too!

  2. Aw man!! I LOVE the zoo!! Shad and I went about three times this summer, its my favorite! We went during our "Summer of Utah," so i see your doing the same sort of thing with "All things Utah". You definately need to make it to all the national parks, that's what we did and it was AWESOME! We have pics on our web gallery.

    I'm lovin' your blog, very cute. Hope all is well at APX!! I miss it!

  3. Love the photos!
    I think the lion drinking fountain is as old as I am!
