Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why I love Autumn!

Autumn is my favorite season. For the past couple of days, I have noticed signs of Autumn all around us! So I have been thinking about my favorite things about Autumn. Here are the 10 ten I came up with (in no particular order).

1. Being able to wear a sweatshirt and flip flops in the same day. It's cool enough that you need a sweatshirt, but not cold enough that you have to wear regular shoes.

2. Slippers. Who doesn't love lounging around the house in slippers? It's finally cool enough to justify pulling them out of the closet.

3. Long sleeve tshirts. Maybe I'm weird, but I love them. Especially Roger's long sleeve tshirt that I have taken possession of. If I had a good picture, I'd post it.

4. Being able to sleep with our comforter. And being able to sleep through the night without waking up because it's way too hot! If you have lived in Union Square or most apartment complexes in Provo during the summer, you know what I'm talking about.

5. Crisp morning runs. I like bundling up for my morning run and walking out to the crisp, cool air.

6. BYU Football!!! Enough said.

7. Halloween! I love coming up with a costume and dressing up for the night. And I love trick-or-treating. I went 3 out of the 4 years I was in college. Unfortunately, I've decided that now that I've graduated, I'll have to wait until I have kids to go again. But you bet I'll still dress up!

8. Pumpkin deserts. Roger and I started a tradition last year that I make a different pumpkin desert every Sunday in October. We love pumpkin deserts and my Aunt Tracy gave us a cute set of Autumn desert plates for our wedding. This tradition uses both!

9. Crunching leaves. I'm convinced BYU has the best leaves for crunching, so I'm gonna have to head up to campus for some quality crunching when the leaves are falling in full force.

10. Watching the leaves change colors. As I drive home from work, I have a good view of Y Mountain. And I can tell you, the leaves are definitely changing colors!

Yay for Autumn! I'm so glad it's here!


  1. I didn't realize your favorite season is Autumn.
    I wish I were there to taste the pumpkin desserts.
    Love your blog!

  2. I love all of these things too! Especially flip flops and sweatshirts, pumpkin desserts, and Crunching Leaves!! Have you guys driven the Alpine Loop in the fall? once the leaves really really change pretty you guys should go! It's pretty pretty :)

  3. Shauna, I just found your blog through Lisa's, and can I just take a second to gush about how cute it is! Where is your picture from on your header?! I also love these top 10 favorite things about Autumn, it is definitely one of my favorite seasons. I was glad to know that I'm not the only wife who "loves" BYU football probably just as much as her husband :)

  4. I think the desert tradition was heavenly inspired. Good luck finding some new yummy stuff this fall. I will let you know if they are good or not.
