Sunday, October 12, 2008

Freezing Peaches

A couple in our ward asked us if we would split a box of peaches from a fruit stand with them. We were feeling adventurous, so we agreed. We used a few for our peach crisp, but then we still had A LOT of peaches left. So we decided to freeze them. We had no idea it was such a complex process, but we figured it out. Here are some pictures from our adventure. We are excited for many yummy peach shakes and to have peach topping for pancakes and waffles!

Before shot.

Boiling the peaches, so the skin would come off easily.

Slicing the peaches. Rog was such a good helper.

Sucking the extra air out of the bags with a straw.

After shot. TA DA!


  1. I am so impressed. What a great idea!

  2. It really was quite the adventure. How knows, many for our next adventure we'll make wine from grapes?
