Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Friday night we went over to Jason and Diana's apartment and had a pumpkin carving party. The idea was for us to watch Hocus Pocus while we carved the pumpkins. But it ended up that I carved the pumpkin while Roger watched the movie. I watched Hocus Pocus probably a million times growing up... I practically have it memorized, so it was ok. I just thought it was funny. I'm a huge perfectionist, so it was probably better this way.


  1. Woooo, scary pumpkin.

  2. Your pumpkin is soooo cool!
    Good job perfectionist!

  3. That looks so good!!! I don't what you were talking about... not being talented. That definitely puts our pirate pumpkin to shame!

  4. Sweet pumpkin design! I like!

    And we would both basically have the same idea for our weekends. Ha, I love it!
