Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wife Abuse

Over the summer I drove our scooter, Cliff, to work every day. But now that it is much colder, I have been driving our car, Fred, to work. Because our tires needed to be rotated and we needed an oil change, I had to take Cliff today.

I knew this was coming and really have been dreading it which is silly because we took Cliff up to campus many many days last winter. They have practically no parking for cars, but plenty of parking for scooters. And even though we live pretty dang close to campus, we would take Cliff on the days Rog had to work, so he could get there on time. I guess the difference lies in the fact that campus is about a mile away and my work is five miles away!

Anyway, I bundled up in a sweatshirt with a warm-up jacket over it, two pairs of gloves, my fleece headband I wear running, and a scarf. And it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Rog surprised me by showing up at my work to switch vehicles after he had the tires rotated and the oil changed. So I guess it wasn't really wife abuse... Thanks for taking care of Fred and Cliff, babe!


  1. now that all of you see what chief thinks wife abuse is, you can see how hard her life really is.

    oh, and nice outfit babe:)

  2. That was sweet of Roger to drive Cliff back home and leave the car for you.
    That "wind chill" factor really comes into play when riding a bike or scooter. I found that out today when I went for a bike ride with Kent after he got home from work, and I'm in Saint George, not Northern Utah!

  3. Heh, heh, you look cute...almost as cute as you did in that hospital johnny. And remember, n o t everyone can pull off either look!
    love, t
