Wednesday, December 10, 2008


We had our first performance for the tap company I am in tonight. It was just a little thing... A clogging studio in Orem had their recital and they invited us to do two numbers. We have two big shows coming up in January, so this was just a practice performance for us.

I haven't performed since I was a senior in high school, so it was weird being back on stage! I made a few minor mistakes, but overall I was happy with my performance. I'm excited for our shows in January! (I will post when those are as they get a little closer.)

Roger was filming the dance for our director, so he didn't get to take any pictures of the performance. But here I am in my disco costume before we left for the show. I was having the hardest time finding a costume, but finally I had my mom go through all our old costumes and she found this little gem. I'm pretty sure I wore this when I was about 10.


  1. Ha ha ha, I love it! I am so glad you are still tapping, you always loved it.

    Maybe Zack and I will come see you perform in January!

  2. yeah, my wife is hot.

  3. You look darling! Glad my costume search helped.

    I finally figured out the title of this blog. Last night I didn't give it much thought - just thought it was a word I hadn't ever heard. Disco Mania - got it!
