Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Saturday in SLC

On Saturday we went up to Salt Lake City and got to spend the day with my grandparents on my mom's side, the Fords. We started the day out by going to the Utah Woolen Mills. My grandparents had a gift certificate that they let Rog use and then they picked up the rest of the bill for his birthday. He got a sweet sweater and some nice pants.

After playing dress up Rog, we had dinner at Applebees. Everyone but Roger got my absolute favorite, the Chicken Oriental Salad. If you haven't tried this salad, you should. It is SOOOOO good! After that we went to the Buckle for a final attempt to find me some jeans. Shopping for jeans is always the worst, but luckily we found a perfect pair! We had been looking for weeks, so it was quite the accomplishment!

Then we got to walk around and see the lights on Temple Square in the snow. It was beautiful, but COLD! Finally we got to go to the Tabernacle Choir and Utah Orchestra Christmas Bells Concert in the Conference Center. It was a very impressive, professional performance.

It was a busy, fun-filled day! We loved spending time with my grandparents and celebrating the holiday season! Here are some pictures from Temple Square.

Unfortunately my grandma's eyes were closed in this one, but it was too good not to post.


  1. I'm glad you had such a special day with Mom and Dad!

    Guess what! Saint George got a couple of inches of snow and it's still snowing so they cancelled school for tomorrow. The city doesn't have any snow plows!

  2. Heh, sound like the Richmond area...2cm of snow and the whole world shuts down! A forecast of snow and you can bet e v e r y o n e is at the grocery stores, stocking up on milk and orange soda (?)...uh, yeah, i'm not sure about the last one either...some people just will not be without it ! Oh yes, on bread and libations too!
