Tuesday, January 27, 2009

At it again

For Christmas my SIL Marti got me a picture frame (my SIL Kenzie actually picked it out). While contemplating what pictures I should put in the frame, I came up with a brilliant idea to make it into a Valentine frame. I added some paper, letters (LOVE), buttons, other embellishments, and got my favorite "lovey" pictures of us printed in black and white. I think it turned out pretty dang cute and it was EASY!

Yay for my first Valentine's Day decoration!


  1. No Way . . . how awesome is that! I want to see it in person. You are the most creative Ririe (woops - now Phillips) ever!

  2. I love it. What a cute idea. great job

  3. Those are really cute Shauna! Did you modge podge it all on there? I love modge podge, it's so fun!

  4. Shauna, those are so cute!!! You are so creative- I need you to teach me everything you know!
