Friday, January 2, 2009

Hello 2009!

As we say goodbye to 2008 and welcome 2009, it's time to make some resolutions. Here they are.

1. Run two half marathons. Cause that's the same as one full one, right?
2. Finish the frog quilt I started last year.
3. Read every Ensign cover-to-cover.

1. Complete a triathlon.
2. Eat more salads.
3. Finish reading the Chronicles of Narnia series.

And finally some we want to accomplish together:
1. Visit Zions, Canyonlands, Arches, and Capital Reef National Parks. We already visited Bryce.
2. Swim in the Great Salt Lake.
3. Go on a hot air balloon ride.
4. Visit the temples in Utah we haven't already visited.

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