Thursday, January 22, 2009

Move Those Feet!

Last Saturday was the first of my two tap performances. My parents and brother came up from St. George and my mom's parents came down from Salt Lake. Diana and Jason also came to the show. I was so happy to have them all there to watch me! Roger recorded both of the dances I was in. I attempted 3 times to upload the videos, but they were too big. So if you want to see me tap, you can come to my second show! Or if $12 is out of your price range (I don't blame you), you can come over to my apartment and watch them on my computer. :)

It was so fun to be up on stage performing again! Here I am in my disco costume (I'll have to get a picture in my other costume next time) with my cute Honey Bunches (doesn't he look so handsome!) and my tap buddy, Ashleigh.


  1. Computer it is!! I really do want to see the dance!

  2. Like Shauna said, we were there and let me tell you - SHE WAS AWESOME!
