Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I love games!

I love board games... pretty much all of them. The thing is that most games are more fun with more than two players. So I'm always trying to find people to play games with us. This weekend we had people over every night to play games with us. Hence it was the best weekend EVER!

I'm not very picky about what games we play, so when we play with new people, I often get addicted to the new game we play. A few months ago we played the game For Sale with a couple in our ward that has since moved away. Now every time we pass a game store, I look to see if they have that game. It's pretty certain that we will eventually buy it. This weekend was no exception to that rule. We played Chicken Foot with Emily and Zack and although that game isn't new to most people (so I'm told), it was new to me and I really liked it. Looks like we'll have to add some dominos to our list of games to buy.

While I like to play new games, I also seem to get stuck on a particular game and want to play it over and over again. For the longest time I was addicted to Settlers of Catan. Now I have moved on to Ticket to Ride. After playing new games Friday and Saturday night, I was craving a good game of Ticket to Ride. Thanks to Diana and Jason, I got my wish Sunday after we had dinner with them.

As I said, we are always up for a game night, so if you share my love for games, we'll have to have you over!


  1. For the record, Chief won that Ticket to Ride game.

  2. Oh, I want to be there with you guys. I miss you so much!

  3. Oh man... we LOVE games. We are totally up for game nights all the time. In Utah we were always lucky to find friends to play with us... here in Spokane they are not as abundant. Hmmm...?? PS. I've never heard of Chicken Foot...??

  4. i l o v e board games...dh and Sam...? No way. So, the o n l y chance i ever have is when i am in Utah...can i come and play, pleeeeze?? i so much wish i could be playing with you. i play Solitaire.....ugh, how pathetic does that sound???

    Hi Diana and almost M-1 Jason....i was at the library and looked up your Med Skool the other day... (yep, that i s how it is referred...!)


  5. Those are all games we LOVE to play!!
