Thursday, February 5, 2009

Superbowl Party

Zack and Emily Pugh threw a kickin' party for the Superbowl and we were lucky enough to get an invite. Emily made a bean dip and a very yummy fruit pizza. Rog and I brought a cranberry-pineapple punch.

We originally had this punch on Thanksgiving at Roger's cousin's house. I thought I had remembered the recipe, so we attempted to make it for our Christmas Eve celebration. Unfortunately I thought it was supposed to have club soda, but it was actually ginger ale. My family drank it, but Rog and I knew the difference. So this time we got the correct recipe. And with the correct recipe, everyone loved it!

I've never really seriously watched the superbowl. I usually just enjoy the commercials. But this year I decided to pick a team and actually watch the game. I picked the Steelers because the Cardinals had more players from the U, so it was a good game for me. We also enjoyed watching the Office after the game. It was such a fun night! Thank you Pughs!

Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures, but here is one I stole from Emily's blog. :)


  1. Sorry, for not taking pictures. As the official blog picture taker guy I take full responsibility.

  2. Yeah Roger, you're slacking off!

    What did you girls do with your husbands? Or are they just not photogenic?

    I liked the team with the yellow uniforms - now what team was that?

  3. The Steelers...Sam has the sweatshirt.
