Monday, April 27, 2009

2 Years!

It's hard to believe we've already been married 2 years. It feels just like yesterday we were getting married, but it also seems like we've been married forever. It has been a busy two years. Some of the highlights:

Buying Cliff (our scooter)

Running the Deseret News Marathon together

Rog being accepted to BYU and the Business School

Graduating from BYU with my BS in Accounting

Accepting my full-time job as a Staff Accountant at APX Alarm

Visiting NYC together

Cruising California with my family

Rog running the Top of Utah Marathon in under 4 hours

Placing 3rd in the Top of Utah 5k

Surviving my first surgery to remove my cyst

Working as temple workers in the Provo Temple

Tapping with my tap company

Rog becoming an uncle and me becoming an aunt (thanks Rex and Edda)

My sister getting married

Who knows what the next two years will hold! I can't wait to find out!


  1. Happy Anniversary - Late!

    The next two years will probably be as eventful as the last two years. Hang on tight!

  2. Aww, congratulations you two! It's so cool to look back at all of the things you've done, and then to realize its only been two years! But then at the same time it feels like it's been way longer than just two years!

    I would love to run the cure race with you Shauna but it looks like we are leaving this monday, Sad! But I'm sure you will do amazing! You will have to post all about it on here :)

  3. It was a very fun two years. I am excited from the next two years.mole

  4. Yay! I love anniversaries. They're always such a milestone, no matter what number it is.
