Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Am I Crazy?

Rog, my sister, Diana, and maybe my BIL, Jason, are doing a triathlon this summer. I was going to opt out because I'm not much of a swimmer... until I found out that for a sprint triathlon you only have to swim 300 yards. I think I can swim 300 yards and then the rest sounds very do-able. After the swim is an 11.6 mile bike ride and then a 3.1 mile run. I can do that, right? Or am I crazy? Unless someone talks me out of it (or our first swim goes terribly on Thursday), I'm going to sign us up for the Shark Attack Triathlon in Riverton on June 20th. I found a training schedule on trinewbies.com and we're ready to start training! Bring it on!


  1. a couple weeks ago i totally got the urge to do a triathlon, too! aly and spencer (in our ward, spencer is my cousin) did the splash and dash and had a really good time.

    swimming is HARD. i went for the other day as part of my training and.. wow. but you run a lot more than i do, so i'm sure you'll be fine!!

  2. Hey, maybe I should do this. How many laps in my pool would make 300 yards?

  3. Shauna, that is awesome. You are amazing!

  4. a sprint tri is the perfect distance, and i agree, very doable. i did an olympic distance with my dad in september of last year and i pretty much thought i was gonna die. it may or may not have been due to the fact that i rode 25 miles on my MOUNTAIN BIKE! duh. this sounds fun though. i may have to sign up too! :)

    if you ever need a swim buddy, i am down for a nice swim workout.

  5. You'll be fine swimming as long as you don't let the shark catch you.

  6. I think that sounds totally fun, and do-able!! I wish I were going to be here this summer so Zack and I could join in as well! Good luck on training for that!

  7. Go Girl!!!!!

    (i can see i am up for some major crash dieting and waaaaay more 'cise before my fat b%$# lands in Deseret one day....gah!!!!).

    i am truly humbled by you all.
    (Hangs head).

    Amazing peoples :)

  8. Cues "Jaws" theme...geddit...? It's a double joke.
