Saturday, May 30, 2009

Camping in Moab

For Memorial Day weekend we camped out in Moab. It was quite the adventure! It rained nearly every night. Fortunately it didn't rain a whole lot during the day. But the fact that it rained during the night helped it stay cool during the day. For that I was very grateful! Our little tent didn't come with a rain fly, so we bought a tarp and Rog amazingly made it keep the rain out.

Before our trip, we bought a butane stove on which we cooked just about everything we ate that weekend. This included hot dogs at the Delicate Arch Trailhead which made us famous on the trail. People would see us and say, "You're the hot dog people." And we would reply, "Yes, yes we are." It was pretty funny.

Best part of vacation - desert every night! Friday night, caramel apple crisp from Denny's. Saturday night, shakes from the Moab Diner. And Sunday night, we cooked s'mores out of the back of Meg because it was windy and we didn't want the wind to blow out the flame. MmmMmm! Good thing we burnt so many calories from hiking all day!

I fell in love with the cactus there. They really are pretty! Today I went to Home Depot in search of a cactus for our apartment, but I didn't find one to my liking. I will most likely continue the search next week. Wish me luck!

We spent our days seeing practically everything there was to see in Arches National Park. And we also visited Canyonlands National Park one morning. We went to church Sunday morning in our shorts, a t-shirt, and running shoes. This was definitely a first for me. At least we took off our hats. :)

It was a great trip! Although I do have to admit we were happy to get back to our nice, soft bed and wonderful shower. (Our tent was TINY and the showers at the campground were definitely not that great.) But we only paid $61.94 for 3 nights. I told Rog we would have stayed in a hotel, but camping is SOOOOOO much cheaper and that makes the accountant in me happy. I'm not so girly that I can't rough it for a few nights to save some $$$!
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  1. I'm not sure where you got the camping gene from. I do know where you got the frugal gene - BOTH your parents!

    Glad you didn't lose your way on the delicate arch trail like someone I know!

  2. Sounds like great fun!

    My sis and i heart the F word...heh. (kidding...sort of...!)

    Calling my little "Ruskies"...(and now that includes me).....word ID "borsh"...almost there!
