Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tulip Festival

I've always wanted to go to the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Pointe, but until this year I've always missed it. We went with Roger's family on Saturday and it was AMAZING!! It was rainy in the morning and even while we were driving there in the afternoon, but I was determined to go even if I had to walk through the pouring rain. Luckily the sun came out and we were able to stay nice and dry while we enjoyed the tulips. Saturday was the last day this year, but if you are near Utah Valley at the end of April next year, GO! You won't be disappointed.
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  1. Those pictures are amazing! I'll have to tell my brother he needs to go next year because he served his mission in Belgium and Holland, so he has an appreciation. :)

  2. Very pretty. Thanks for sharing. I really like the Jumbo tulips, they have a resemblance to some awesome people I know!

  3. The Tulips were very cool and it was great to be with my family.

  4. Lovely! Just beautiful! Thank you for the pictures!

    "'Elmer', you thought we were called 'Elmer'?"

    "Yeah, I wondered what parent would be so mean as to name their kid that."

