Sunday, June 21, 2009

We love our dads!

For some reason unknown to me, I forgot that today was father's day until it was too late to send cards to our dads. And Roger officially lost his status as favorite son this week. He forgot his dad's birthday was on Thursday. But we really do love our dads, really we do!

Our dads have worked to take care of our financial and physical needs. They also have raised us in the church and have always been there to give us father's blessings when needed.

Roger's dad thought him how to work around the house and even how to work on cars (for which I am very grateful).

My dad taught me to work hard and play hard. And he gave me the genes necessary to do the things I love to do such as dance, cheer, run, bike, swim, hike, etc...

It isn't possible to put into words everything these great men have done for us. We love them so much and are so grateful for all that that they have done and continue to do for us.


  1. Dad Kent says . . .

    Shauna inherited the Ririe heart. Lori would still like one!

    Thanks for the great Father's Day message - Dad

  2. Who says my sis doesn't have a heart?? i'll kill the...oh, sorry.........

