Friday, June 12, 2009

"You are my Everest!"

A prize to the first person who can tell me who says that quote. Diana would get it right away, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't read my blog (at least on a regular basis).

After I finished my tiny frog quilt, I decided to make a quilt for our bed. The one we have is super warm (way too warm for the summer), so we end up using one that doesn't match when it gets to be hotter than hades in our apartment. I got fabric that matches the pillows on our bed and went to work on it. Well, obviously I didn't anticipate how much harder it would be to make a queen-size quilt. I'm half-way done machine quilting the top and then I have to do the binding. Pretty sure I'm crazy. My machine was not made to quilt such a beast. Hopefully by the end of the summer I will have conquered my Everest.

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  1. That guy from "Save the Last Dance"


    That other guy from "Twilight", "James", with the ponytail.

    No, no i've GOT it...Jeb, er, Jason! Our very own M-1 !

  2. It is coming along great!! You are not crazy. There will be plenty more projects in your future that will be even harder! I know it :)

  3. Yep, it was Joey!! Tracy, I'll give you your prize when you come to SLC to visit this summer.

  4. i have to admit, i had a little help from a friend...?

    Thanks, Chief!

    Thinking of Roger w o u l d be the 13th...

    Lucky 13!!

  5. How's your "Everest" coming? That will give you something to do while Roger studies - right Roger?
