Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Last Wednesday at work was a crazy day full of ups and downs. First I was informed that I would be moving into an office with the Controller and Assistant Controller (NOT a pleasant idea AT ALL). Luckily with the help of my amazing coworkers, we convinced them to keep all the staff accountants together thereby preserving my sanity. (I am not a fan of the Assistant Controller. In fact, he's probably the person I like least in this world right now.)

Somewhere in the midst of that, Roger's boss called (he never calls me, so I was very confused) and asked what I was doing Thursday night. When I replied that I would be watching SYTYCD, he asked if I could miss that to go see Incubus. I said yes because I could watch SYTYCD on TiVo later. When I talked to Roger, he filled me in on the details... VIP parking, free food, and VIP seats all on APX! Sweet, right? So the day was looking up again.

But then I got a call from my OBGYN office with the results from an ultrasound I had the previous week confirming my suspicion that I have a few cysts right now... all smaller than the cyst I had last summer, but one that is complex... While I was on the phone I couldn't remember exactly what a complex cyst is (mine was a simple blood one before)... The nurse told me it is nothing to worry about, but that we need to do a follow-up ultrasound in a few weeks to make sure it is shrinking on its own. While I was driving home I remembered that complex cysts are made up of part liquid and part solid material. And that they are more likely to be cancerous or become cancerous. WONDERFUL, right!? So when I got home I looked up complex cyst on google and my memory was confirmed. So I broke down and cried hysterically for a good half hour. Everyone has to be good at something and I guess this is what I am good at - growing cysts. I wish I knew more details, but for now we just have to see what it does in the next few weeks and then we'll decide if it has to be removed surgically. The surgery I can handle... I did it before. The timing is just really bad because we were going to start trying to get pregnant and now we have to wait. I know that everything is in the Lord's hands and He'll take care of us, but it just sucks right now.

Anyway, sorry about that tangent... Back to Incubus... I wish I could say that I love Incubus, that they're my favorite band. But I can't. I like the few songs I know (Stellar and Drive), but that's about it. That being said, I did have a good time at the concert. It definitely was an eye-opening, out-of-bubble experience to see LOTS of people drinking and smell what Rog informed me was weed. Haha... and it was in Utah!

Rog LOVED the concert. I had no idea he was so into Incubus. The whole drive home he kept saying how awesome it was. Over two years of marriage and I'm still learning new things about my redhead!

We almost left without taking a picture of me at the concert. I look like a ghost, but I promise it's just the flash.

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  1. First, I found a typo in this blog, which Chief has probably fixed by now. It is the first time in our marriage, so it is definitly a milestone.
    Second, the concert was awesome. Incubus was great and Chief was in shock almost the entire time.

  2. Oh, i'm so sorry hun. Gyn prob's = no fun at all. Thanks for comimg up the other night, "model" girl! :)

  3. Hope to see you both soon, if only for "a few"...sniff. i'll have your room all fresh and ready.

  4. i bet you even look pretty when you cry...

  5. Glad those cysts didn't turn out to be anything serious! Wish I could have been there to hug you when you cried!
