Saturday, July 4, 2009


This week again there were lots of good ones. For the first time on the show they did a classical ballet piece (using Melissa of course). It was really good. My favorite was Phillip and Jeanine doing a Tabitha and Napoleon hip hop routine while being chained together.

Oddly enough they were in the bottom 3 and the one I thought for sure would be in the bottom 3 (the alien dance) wasn't. Puzzling! But in the end I was satisfied with who went home. Next week should be interesting because it determines the top 10!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I liked that routine. I like Mia Michaels' routines, but her critiques are annoying sometimes. Like when she was criticizing the chain itself for being too messy? Really? An inanimate object wasn't living up to your standards, really?
