Friday, August 21, 2009

Ahhh... Summer!

On Wednesday we spontaneously decided to head on over to Seven Peaks for the evening. We have been saving 5 Buck Pizza boxes all summer because they have a deal where you can get in for $5 after 5:00 with a 5 Buck Pizza box. We left work a few minutes early, snarfed down some dinner, and by 5:15 we were there!

It was the perfect time to go... No lines, no worrying that my cute red head would get burnt to a crisp, no waiting for complementary tubes (they were in great abundance), and a nice girl even gave us her double tube after she was done with it.

I've been dying to go swimming because the BYU Pool is closed during the break between summer and fall... So I swam around the lazy river and when some people got in my way, I turned around and swam against the current. You didn't know I was a salmon, did you?!

We rounded out the night by sharing a Hawaiian Shaved Ice and watching NCIS. It doesn't get any better than that, my friends!

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  1. Good timing - wish we could have been there.

  2. I knew Chief was a fish, but I didn't know what kind until this event.

  3. Hee. i thought you were a "carp", remember? :)
