Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Alaska - Part 1

Our cruise to Alaska was WONDERFUL!

We left SLC bright and early Friday morning. We didn't want to miss the ship, so we booked the early flight to Seattle. Luckily we were able to get on the boat pretty soon after we got there. (We thought we would be hanging out for hours before we could get on.) We explored the ship, rested a bit, did the mandatory safety drill, and enjoyed our first meals on the ship. My mom gave me "non-drowsy" motion sickness medicine, so I wouldn't get sick from the motion of the boat. That was a joke! I was totally out after dinner, so we turned in early.

Saturday was a day at sea. We played games and basically hung out all day.

That night was the first formal night, so we all dressed up.

Sunday was Juneau. First we went whale watching! It was amazing to see those GIANT animals. There were probably 8-10 pretty close to our boat, so we got to see some pretty close up. They handed out juice and bagels with cream cheese. The cream cheese was pink, so we assumed it was strawberry... Boy were we wrong! It was salmon. Although I like salmon, it was not what I was expecting. YUCK!

Next we visited the Mendenhall Glacier which was probably my favorite thing we saw the whole trip. I really wasn't expecting it to be blue! We also saw a momma bear and her two cubs. The cubs were sleeping up in a tree. It was crazy to see them so close out in the wild.

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  1. The Glacier as awesome. It was soooo big and beautiful. And for all those who are wondering, no it was not melting right before our eyes.

  2. Nice work Shauna!

    My favorite part of Alaska was the bear cubs. They climbed up the tree just for me 'cause I am lorilovesbears@gmail.com

    My favorite part of the trip was being with my family!
