Monday, September 21, 2009

Big Chief and the Buffaloes

Last Saturday we ran in the Utah Marathon Relay in South Jordan with Rob and Anna Paulsen and Bryan Martinez. Because only 5 people could run, Rachel Martinez was our AMAZING Equipment Manager. After much debate, we finally settled on Big Chief and the Buffaloes as our team name. Of course with such a sweet name, we needed sweet shirts to match... so we got together the night before the race and whipped up these babies.

They each had a buffalo with our name in it and because we were running for my BFF Amber's baby Tyce who was recently diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis (the race was supporting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation), we wrote for Baby Tyce on them as well.

A relay is definitely the way to run a marathon! We each ran 5.2 miles which is a good length - longer than a 5K, but still short enough that you can enjoy the run! And we had so much fun hanging out with the group while we were waiting for our turn to run.

I started us out in the freezing cold, but by the time Robbie crossed the finish line 3 hours and 28 minutes after the race started it was HOT! We all had good times well under a 9 minute/mile pace. Bryan was by far the fastest at 38:37.

We'll definitely be doing more relays in the future! We had so much fun! Thanks buffaloes!
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  1. That's soooo cool - Roger and Shauna and the rest of the Buffalos!

    That's awesome you ran for Baby Tyce!

  2. Seriously, Rachel was the best equipment manager that I have ever had.... She's the only one I have had, but still the best.

  3. Oh....i am so sorry about Baby Tyce...that's so sad...

    i adore the shirts you made and way to go on the race...Yay~

  4. I see the shirts have been a big comment that was the first thing I thought also. I love those shirts! They are very inspirational!
