Thursday, September 3, 2009


I drive our scooter, Cliff, to work practically every day. For some reason, I am horrible at checking the gas gauge (there is no gas light), but I've never ran out of gas... until yesterday. After work I decided to go to Pebbles in my Pocket and Michael's really quickly while Rog was giving blood. I did my errands and was about to pull out on State Street when Cliff just died. I looked at the gas gauge and sure enough it was on empty! I called Rog because he was less than a block away and he came over. He just thought it was the funniest thing ever. Instead of helping me, he took pictures and told me I HAD to blog about it. Luckily I was super close to a gas station, so I just rolled on over there on the sidewalk. It was incredibly embarrassing, but also really funny!

Needless to say, I've learned my lesson. I'll remember to check the gas gauge from now on!
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  1. Silly Shauna - I'm glad you were close to a gas station.

    I'm glad Cliff made your blog!

  2. Hey! Thanks for your comment! It's always fun to find out who's reading your blog! And now I can read yours!

    Glad Roger was near and you were able to get some gas!!

  3. Ummm, guess since Roger had just given blood, he needed the rest!
