Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Photo Cube

For September's enrichment craft night we made 2 projects - a photo cube and a BYU game day door hanging. Stay tuned for the BYU game day door hanging. Here are the directions for the photo cube.

You will need: A 4x4 cube (you can buy a 4x4 and have it cut at Lowe's or Home Depot), Mod Podge, paint, brush, photos, a paper cutter, and letters (optional).

First paint your cube (1). For the sides you are putting pictures on, you don't need to paint the whole side, just the edges.

Next cut your photos to fit the sides of the cube (2) and decide how you want the photos arranged on the cube (3).

Paint a layer of Mod Podge on the back of your photo and stick the photo on the cube. Apply a layer of Mod Podge over the entire surface to seal it (4). Repeat for all photos.

If you are using letters, apply those using Mod Podge and seal that side as well (5).

And that's it (6). Really pretty dang simple.

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  1. WOW - You've done it again Shauna!

    Awesome idea!

  2. Too Cute! And i bet you can use it for some kind of board game too! ;)
