Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Today I've been thinking about...

* Candy Corn Kisses. One of my favorite things about autumn. I need to go buy a bag!

* My quilt. I'm finally making progress on it! My goal is to have the sewing machine part done by this weekend, so I can just sit and hand sew while I listen to conference and it looks liking I'm going to be able to do it! So glad I am finally finishing my "summer quilt" just in time for autumn.

* What do I want for Christmas? What am I going to get Rog for Christmas? Only 85 shopping days left you know!

* My Sister's Keeper. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I'm thinking I want to read the book. I've heard it's really good. And I know it's a sad book, but sometimes I like sad books. Does anyone have a copy that I could borrow to read? I'm like number 26 on the waiting list at the library!

* Autumn pictures. Rog and I have never taken good pictures in the autumn leaves. Does anyone want to take some for us? There would be cookies involved.

(It's crazy all the things my mind can think of while doing mindless last-day-of-the-month accounting.)

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  1. I love it when Chief reads sad books because then she is sad. Sounds great right. Pictures in the leaves are my favorite thing... ok that's not true. I told chief i would take the pictures if she would make me cookies.

  2. I got your blog address from facebook :) Anyway, I have My Sister's Keeper! You can totally borrow it if you want!

  3. So I'm just going to comment back to your blog since I'm at work and we can't get on facebook, or I would just message you or something. I'm sure Kyle and I can just come bring it over to you since he lives like a block away from you, I think. Are you guys usually home at night? I'll have Kyle text you tonight and maybe we'll stop over!

  4. OH... that is a sad book, but very good. I think you will enjoy it! And if we were still in Utah, I would TOTALLY take some pics for you guys. (Especially if there would be cookies involved!!)

    PS How's work at good 'ol APX?

  5. Really good book, with some funny "guide dog" jokes....sad, surprising ending...i read several of Picoulti's books while at Menniger, supossedly getting "cured".... "The Pact" is also good.

  6. Oops. That should be "Service Dog".

  7. Shauna did get to work on her quilt while watching Conference. It's beautiful!

    Candy Corn Kisses are better than Candy Corn!

  8. ....ummmm, the vote is in. Kinda icky. Candy corn wins, with fewer calories as well!
