Monday, October 5, 2009

BYU vs. Utah State

Friday night was the BYU vs. Utah State football game. Rog had his mission reunion, so he headed off to that and I headed off to the game. Fortunately I had Rachel and Bryan Martinez and a bunch of couples in our ward to keep me company until he came at half time.

The best part of the game was the crazy fan sitting in front of us. We had to take a video to document just how crazy he was. Keep in mind that he was like this the WHOLE game. And I'm not exaggerating at all.

We beat them 35 -17 which moved us up to number 18 in the polls.

After the game we were hungry, so we went on a search for food with the Martinez. Unfortunately it was 11:00 and practically every restaurant in Provo closes at 11:00. We couldn't figure out why they wouldn't stay open longer after a football game?? We finally ended up at Sonic... And although it wasn't our first choice, I think we all enjoyed our meals, probably because we were all absolutely starving by that time! Thanks Martinez for accompanying us. We'll have to try it again sometime before 11:00, so we have a better selection of restaurants!


  1. It was such a fun night, I'm glad we got to go on an adventure together! And, I'm glad to see the video of Psycho Fan up. He really made the game for us!

  2. So, are you reading "the book" now? or have you finished it?

    "So why the dog?"

    Counsel "I'm an alcoholic. The dog comes between me and a beer."


    "The Pact" is quite good too.

  3. However, for my new all time favorite book ever, beating out "The Kite Runner" for spot # 1-"The Roof Tops Of Tehran"....a beautiful book! Sad , funny, touching..a must read... (i sound like a book reviewer-hee!).
