Sunday, November 8, 2009

A GREAT Saturday

Sleep in until 9:00
Go for a nice run in the autumn leaves
Go with my SIL McKae to pick up her wedding dress
Watch BYU squash WYO 52-0
Watch You've Got Mail while crafting this beauty

Try Domino's Pasta Bowls for the first time (They were absolutely amazing!)

Go to the SYTYCD Tour with Ashleigh

Yeah, it was a pretty great Saturday! Well for me anyway. Rog had to study ALL day, so it wasn't so great for him!
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  1. yeah, my saturday sucked big time!!! Glad Chief had fun.

  2. Sounds like fun! And once again, super cute holiday craft!

  3. Go Shauna - Sorry Roger!

    I wish I could zoom in on your cute craft - Nice job once more.

    How do you squeeze so much into one day? Amazing!

  4. Seems like ALL of your saturdays would be a dream for me.....except they don't include horsebackriding...and bookstores!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. You two going all gangsta there?
    'Cause i could send you a gansta song....but i'm not sure you'd like it....... ;)
