Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Part 2

We flew to Colorado Christmas Eve morning. We thought that the airport would be super busy, so we got there earlier than we normally do. Fortunately, it really wasn't bad and everything went incredibly smoothly with our flight. We even got first row seats complete with extra leg room. Never a bad thing, right?!

We were a little concerned when we sat down because it looked like we didn't have a tray table and the only form of entertainment we brought for the flight was a game I got for Christmas, Bananagrams. It's like Scrabble, but you don't have a board and you build off your own words. I'd describe it as individual Scrabble, but that's misleading because you are playing against other people.

Anyway, we soon discovered that our tray tables were in our armrests. Phew, crisis averted.

As soon as we got to Colorado we went to a party with some of Rog's cousins and their families. We had a white elephant gift exchange and I ended up with the Susan Boyle CD. Not too shabby if you ask me! Then we had dinner and opened our Christmas PJ's before heading off to bed.

Christmas morning we went down to see what Santa had brought us. We got some fun surprises, but the best part was seeing Rog's dad open his present. We all chipped in and got him an iPod Touch. He travels a lot with his job, so he'll be able to put it to good use.

After a yummy breakfast, we saw Sherlock Holmes. I didn't particularly enjoy it (could have been because the theatre was super warm and I slept through part of it), but everyone else liked it.

We've been thoroughly enjoying our break... Lots of good food, games, and Wii time interspersed with some wedding preparations. We're definitely not looking forward to going home tomorrow and I'm absolutely dreading counting inventory on the 30th. Too bad vacation can't last forever. Such is life, I guess!

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  1. Sounds like such fun. i'm with you, Chief. i dread sending my boys back to school on Monday.

  2. Ha ha! My Mom asked for the Susan Boyle CD. So, nice job whoever gave that away. It's not that bad huh?

  3. :) Don't even get Grandma Ford started on Susan...that's like staring me on surgeon and author Dr.Atul Gawande! "My" Dr. Gawande. (Oh yes, i have to share him with Pam Foster!)

  4. I vote we have a FRIENDS marathon and a lap top party and work on our blurb books together!

  5. Help Shauna, I can't enlarge the collage photo!

    I want a Susan Boyle CD . . .

    Bananagrams is sure a hit with our family. Thanks Shauna for introducing us to it.
