Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving and Black Friday

I'm very late posting about this, but here goes.
Wednesday: Drove to SLC after work. Headed to the Bountiful temple to do a session, but it turns out all the temples close at like 10:30 on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Who knew?
Thursday: Got up and made rolls. Lots and lots of rolls. 48 to be exact. We didn't need that many, but Rog convinced me it wouldn't be a bad thing to have leftovers.

Headed over to my uncle's house for our Thanksgiving feast. Ate, watched some football. Planned our Black Friday shopping.

Friday: Woke up at 3:30 am and got in the line at Target a little before 4:00. Entered the store at 5:00, grabbed everything we wanted. Discovered a stack of 30 or 40 of the 32-inch flatscreens we wanted, but never dreamed we would get! (They were one of the top 3 best deals of Black Friday!) Got home by 5:30 and went right back to sleep.

Went with my old roommate Stacey (who just got back from her mission) to the Bountiful Temple (they were open this time). Played games with my family the rest of the night.
It was a wonderful Thanksgiving full of food, family, and fun!
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  1. Yum, those rolls were delicious!

    Loved being with you guys!

  2. Way to brave Black Friday! Looks like you made out like a bandit! Good job!
