Monday, February 22, 2010

Better Late than Never

We decided to celebrate our Valentine's Day a week late this year because we were in St. George for the actual day. We didn't do gifts because neither of us is all that into gifts - it's not our love language if you will. We'd just rather spend time with each other.
So on Saturday after going to IKEA to finalize furniture selections and Walmart to look at paint colors, we got Applebee's to go and headed to the Wilk for the Princess and the Frog. We had to be there at 5:45 to get tickets, but the show didn't start until 7:00, so we ate our food in the Cougareat.
We both LOVED the Princess and the Frog! Let's just say that for us Disney + Frogs + New Orleans = the perfect movie. I love most things Disney and frogs and Rog went on his mission to Louisiana, so it's most certain that we will own this movie. And I'm pretty sure Corby loved it too - he was moving around like crazy. Rog even felt it!
For Valentine's Day I decided I wanted to do a stitchery. I'd never done one before, so Emily helped me get going. I finished the actual stitchery part on Valentine's Day, but then I had to make it into something. I decided to do a table runner and I finally finished it last night.
But it seemed to be missing something. This morning I came up with the solution - buttons! As soon as I added them, I knew it was perfect. So a little late for this Valentine's Day, but I'll have it for many years to come. Better late than never, right?! I guess that was the theme for this year's Valentine's Day!

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  1. Like the font you used for the title of the blog.

    I am so glad Corby is getting wiggly. That was my favorite part of being pregnant.

    Your table runner turned out so cute:)

  2. Now that the kid is moving, its real. Scary!, but very cool.

  3. How cute is that! You are very creative.

  4. Hee. Glad Corby enjoyed the movie! Now you can start putting a cold glass of water on your tummy and watch the action! (Who me? Who says i would do such a thing??)

    My Valentines present came yesterday. i can now (almost) dress up as one of my fantasy persona's. That's right, Chris got me a cute little (emphasis on little) Israeli Soldier uniform, straight from Israel! Those Israeli girls must be tiny, as it's a medium and the top, while it fits, is a bit too snug for my comfort. The funny thing is the skirt (i guess it's a dress uniform) is way too big....hum. Oh well, i love it and it's more encouragement to lose weight.
    The ? is....where do i wear it??? When i am finally "top worthy" i shall wear it with my usual uniform of jeans.
    Well, that was a long ramble....."signifying nothing".

    Love you guysies

  5. I love how the table runner turned out- - it is so cute! The buttons are a nice touch :)
