Thursday, February 11, 2010

Jazz vs. Lakers

In all my years in Utah I've never been to a Jazz game. Rog is a Lakers fan (I know BOOOOO!), so of course he wanted to go to the Jazz vs. Lakers game. We got our tickets and jerseys for Christmas and we were ready to go! Last night was the big game. Kobe Bryant wasn't playing, so I thought the Jazz might have a chance. NOT SO! They played horribly and we were dreadfully behind most of the night. But I still had a great time and it was kind of nice that no matter how the game went, one of us was happy!

We ordered my rocking chair from Wood Connection last Saturday. They told us it would take 3 - 5 weeks to get here, but they called yesterday afternoon to say it was in. So we left a little early and picked it up on the way to the game. I really wanted this style of rocking chair, not a recliner or a glider (which is all they sell anywhere else). It's unfinished, so I have to pick out the crib and then we (and by we I mean, Rog) will stain it to match. I love it so so much - thanks babe! (It's my birthday present from Rog.)

Oh and by the way, in all my posts about our new house I forgot to mention where it is. It's in the thriving metropolis of Spanish Fork! They have a Macey's grocery store and all of the necessities, but I'll be going to Provo and Orem a lot for what they don't have.

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  1. I'm sad that the Jazz lost as well! We were watching the re-cap last night and I said, "At least Rog will be happy!"

    I love that rocking chair! It is so cute and I love that you went with the 'old fashion' style. You might want to make a cushion for it'll be sittin' there a lot!

  2. What's ya doin' in the nose-bleed section! jk

    Nice rocking chair - the cushion is a good idea:)

  3. Cute chair. I LOVE the Wood Connection, it is the best store. Congrats on the baby and new home, it is darling!
