Friday, February 5, 2010


Yes, it is almost 4:00 am and I am posting. I woke up to go to the bathroom around 3:15. Usually I'm really good about going right back to sleep, but this time I made a very bad mistake. Instead of just crawling back into bed and going back to sleep, I started thinking. Yes, thinking was especially bad right now when I have so much on my mind. Maybe if I can get all my thoughts down I'll be able to sleep again, just maybe.

So the perfect townhouse I talked about yesterday, well as you might have guessed from the title of this post, we were rejected. Here's the story. We found this townhouse when it was listed at $3,000 over our max. It is beautiful. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, open kitchen with island, master bathroom with double vanity, large walk-in closet, laundry room upstairs with the bedrooms (I'm told this is a good thing), 2-car garage, lots of storage, built in 2008. The walls are all white which in my mind is a plus because it makes painting that much easier. I can only think of 2 negatives about it. The carpet is a little darker than I would have picked out myself and it is a middle unit. Seriously that's all.

So we offered $8,000 less than the asking price ($5,000 less than our max) and hoped for the best. We didn't think they'd accept that, but we thought we could bring them down a little. Yesterday morning they countered with the asking price, so we countered back with $5,000 less than the asking price ($2,000 less than our max). We figured they were just going high, so that we could meet in the middle somewhere. Apparently not. They came back with $1,000 less than the asking price ($2,000 more than our max). So we told them NO.

Now I don't have the much experience with real estate, but in my mind you never have to pay the full asking price. This house has been on the market since October. They've already dropped the price $10,000 since then. The owner's realtor told our realtor that they "really want/need to sell". So why the heck are they sticking so close to their current asking price? We came up $3,000, can't they come down $3,000 and we can find somewhere in the middle to agree upon? Don't these people know how this works? Don't they know it's a buyer's market right now?

Grumble, grumble.

So unless they come back and say they'll accept our last counteroffer, I guess it's back to the drawing board for us.


  1. I sure hope you got back to sleep, Shauna dear

  2. I bet it was because the previous owner is upside down in the house, and doesn't want to go below their loan payoff amount? HOpefully you find a place you like just as much or better!!

  3. I have that same problem with not being able to sleep due to thinking.... especially when I was pregnant, ugh.

    That sucks about the house, owners like that are sooo FRUSTRATING! I bet theyll accept yours if they don't have any other offers right now, dumb of them not to. I agree, its probably due to their payoff amount though so who knows what theyll do. Are they even paying closing costs for you (usually you can get them to do that)?? If not, maybe offer $1k more and they pay closing costs, maybe they'd take that and itd be good for you still. Good luck!
