Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Festival of Colors

The Festival of Colors didn't exactly go as we had planned. We parked really far away (like 2 miles). There were supposed to be shuttles to take us to the temple, but they didn't seem to be running. So we walked and walked and walked. And it may not seem like that would be a big deal, but for a pregnant lady with SPD, it was a big deal. We finally made it there when it was almost over and the chalk was pretty much gone.
So we got some chalk on us, but not a very impressive amount. Maybe we'll get a babysitter for Corby and try again next year.
On the bright side, it was a beautiful day. Yay for Spring!
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  1. That is something that I always wanted to do, but something always came up. I'm so bummed that I didn't make it to one before we left Utah! I'm so glad you had fun!

  2. So sorry about the SPD...that must be awful, especially for an athelete like you!

    By the way...what in the world is "The Festival of Colors"? Looks like they let a bunch of preschoolers loose on you-or else a group of U of U Frat Brothers!

  3. Why is the first I've heard about this SPD condition? I'm frustrated they didn't have the promised shuttle service!
    You guys look great in chalk :)
