Friday, April 16, 2010

Flashback Friday

I was going to post a picture from when I was studying for my last final ever, but I couldn't find it on Roger's computer. *My computer was officially pronounced dead by Rex while they were here for conference weekend. All my files are backed up, but I haven't taken the time to transfer them over to Roger's computer because I'm still trying to decide if I should buy a new one of my own. Roger's works just fine (especially since we put the memory from my computer on his) and he claims he won't ever use it after he graduates. But we are getting A LOT of money from the government. We'll see...
I took my last final ever on the last day of finals week. It was a very difficult final (Manec 453) and it took me at least 3 hours in the testing center. Trust me, that was very different from the experience Rog had on his last final. He took it last night after casually studying for a few hours. It only took him an hour and a half and he took it in the comfort of our living room.
No, I'm not bitter at all.
Anyway, instead of the picture of me frantically studying for my last final, here is a picture of my last day of class. We went to Wendy's to celebrate. Mmmm... Vanilla frosty, so much better than the original chocolate frosty!
Good luck to everyone with actual finals! Feel free to hate Rog. I know I would if I was taking finals right now!
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  1. 100% Disagree with your frosty comment. Gross. Vanilla Frosty? Dave Thomas would have never let this fly.

    -Ems and Zack

  2. WOW Roger - Congrats! You survived college:)

    Love the photo :)

  3. Congrats Roger!

    I'm with Emily on this one. Bryan likes vanilla frostys too, but I'm all about the chocolate.
