Tuesday, April 20, 2010

This and That

When we bought our entertainment center, I also really liked the coffee table that matched it. I wanted to get it at the same time, but Rog said we had to wait to make sure we had enough money. I kept telling him that we'd be fine, but the coffee table purchase kept getting put off. Every so often, I would check on the IKEA website to make sure it was still there. Then one day it disappeared! I was completely distraught. How would I ever find a coffee table that matched so perfectly?
On Friday, I was browsing online to try to find a replacement for the perfect coffee table, but to no avail. On a whim I told Rog to call IKEA to see if they randomly had one still in their store that wasn't showing up online. He called and surprise, they actually had some! So, we hopped right in the car and went to pick it up. Now our living room is pretty much complete!

On Saturday Rog worked all morning on our cars - changing the oil, rotating the tires, giving them much needed baths, vacuuming them out. They were very happy cars and he was a happy, satisfied husband. (I told you the garage was his favorite part of our new house.)
While he did that, I figured out where I wanted all our pictures hung and worked on my vinyl lettering using my cricut. I was worried that it would be hard, but it really was a piece of cake. I loved how it turned out, so I have plans for a few more walls.
On Saturday afternoon, I headed out in Meg to go to a baby shower up in Salt Lake. Unfortunately, I didn't get past Springville because I was in a minor fender bender. We called our doctor and they assured us that everything should be fine with Corby unless I started to bleed or have contractions. Other than being incredibly sore on Sunday from the crash, I've been fine and Corby continues to move around like a little champ. We feel very lucky that it wasn't a bad crash (the airbags didn't even go off).
Poor Meg did sustain some damage, but she's in the shop right now and we're told she should be all better by next Tuesday. Thank goodness for car insurance! A $500 deductible is much better than paying the whole bill!

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  1. I love how the vinyl turned out- so cute!! And HOORAY that you have your coffee table! The room looks great :)

  2. Order has returned to the Phillip household :)

    Even pictures and vinyl letters hung on the walls. I am excited to get to see the rooms in person soon!

    Glad it was only a fender bender. Whew!

    Move, Corby, Move

  3. Scary! Sooo glad you two are okay! Hope the soreness goes away.
    Poor Meg, get well soon!

  4. distraught is the perfect word. I really didn't think that there would be any point to living if we didn't get that coffee table. And IKEA had 19 in stock.

  5. Are you going to put "Kramer's" book about Coffee Tables on your coffe table? or just coffee? ;)
