Friday, May 21, 2010

Flashback Friday

I know everyone wanted to see a picture of Rog as a baby this week, but I don't have any pictures of Rog as a baby... So this picture from when we first started dating will have to do.

This was at the Manti Pageant in 2006. This was the first night I considered Rog as someone I wanted to date. The story goes like this...

First some background: The semester before Rog came to BYU, I dated Jeff Brown. We broke up in March, but I would still hang out over at Jeff's apartment a lot. Rog moved into that apartment at the end of April. It just so happened that my apartment was assigned to the same FHE group as his apartment and he was my dad. He got to know me in a unique environment - one where I knew a lot of people, so I was comfortable and outgoing. (I'm convinced nothing would have ever happened if I had been my normal, shy self around him.) And I kind of liked his roommate Hunter.

Now the story: A group of us went down to the Manti Pageant. I rode with Hunter and Rog rode with my roommate Hannah. The whole ride down there Hunter would not talk to me at all. As soon as we got there, I told Rog that I didn't want to have to ride back with Hunter. Rog and I hung out the rest of the night. We got Navajo tacos and snow cones. When it was about time for the pageant to start, we tried to go onto the temple grounds with our snow cones, but they told us we had to finish them first. So we ended up talking to some crazy protester lady. That was interesting to say the least. We watched the pageant and then when the time came to go home, Rog told Hunter I was riding back with him. The whole way home he told me stories about his mission (inspired by talking to that crazy lady). I sat there and thought, "Wow, he's pretty passionate about his mission... Maybe I should date him..."

So all because of a snow cone, Rog and I started dating. And now 4 years later, we've been married 3 years, we have a house, and a little Corby will be joining us in the next month.
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  1. Ha ha ha! I forgot you had a crush on Hunter! Oh dear, it kills me everytime :) SO happy you ended up with that red head instead!

  2. Thank goodness for snow cones!

    I wonder if Corby will have a blue tongue? jk

  3. First, she is right about the shy thing. I probably wouldn't have talked to her. That was just one miracle that got Chief and I together.

    That really was a great night. I love you Chief.

  4. Annnnnnnd, once again, MomLori beats me to the punchline! Nice one, Sis!
