Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Baby Quilt

When I took Corbyn's quilt to be machine quilted, they told me it would be 4 weeks before I got it back. That would have been June 18th which is also Corbyn's due date. They said they would let her know when his due date was and maybe she'd have it done sooner. I didn't really care at that point because I figured he would be born weeks before his due date anyway (curse my mom for having all her babies early and getting my hopes up). They called me last week to say it was ready, so I went to get it. It sat untouched for almost a week, but Sunday I found the motivation to get it done. I made the binding (from scratch) which actually wasn't as hard as I thought it would be - just a whole lot of ironing. Then I sewed it to the front and started the process of hand stitching the back. And now it is done!

Here's the front.

And the back. The green stripe down the middle is the same fabric as the green on the front. I have no idea why it looks so drastically different in this picture.

Now if Corbyn was waiting for his quilt to be done to make his arrival, he has no excuses. I have an appointment tomorrow, so we'll see what the doctor says about getting him here... We're crossing our fingers he will induce me before Father's Day even though that is before the 41 weeks they usually induce at.
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  1. Sorry honey - we thought it would be like mother, like daughter :(
    It's actually a good thing that you didn't follow in your mother's footsteps. If you did, you still wouldn't be pregnant, and wouldn't be for almost another 4 years!

  2. Nice job on Corbyn's quilt. You never cease to amaze me!

  3. Doctor, please have mercy!

  4. Curse you mom! And curse my mom! And curse everybody's moms....!

    Ummmmm, oh, yeah, what w e r e we cursing them for....? Curse me!

    Here's a mom you can curse, if you want... ;-0

    Mom B's guess June 20! Curse her!

    Very cute quilt.

  5. Hahaha, Momlori

    Where'd you go to Med school??? Same place i WISH i had????

    Did i mention i am (not intentionally) withdrawing from a med that is making me mean as.....?

    "Anyway the wind blows...."

    i am soooo loving on that video.

  6. You should like, so send it to Shauna....maybe it will start her labor...or should i send it????? ;-)

    "You suck, you suck , you suck..."

    NO! No any of you, sillies!

    It's from the super excellent video i wish you all would watch!

  7. Plus, it has super excellent dancing in it!

    Like i'm such a great judge.....

    "Judge" "I'm an alcoholic. Dog comes between me and a beer."

  8. Have you made the Raspberry Pie yet, Chief?

    You gotta make the pie!

    Then the baby come!
