Friday, June 11, 2010

Flashback Friday

No baby yet. :( I was having contractions all night long and from 6 - 8 this morning they were coming every 5 minutes. They were a little painful, but not enough that we thought we could justify going to the hospital without worrying they'd send us home. So we went on a walk and when we got back I took a shower. And then NOTHING. They were gone. So lame! Maybe they'll start up again and I'll have him tomorrow (which I would love because 12 is my favorite number), but I'm not too hopeful right now.

Once I was a cheerleader. And I could do a back handspring. Sometimes I can't even believe that myself. Granted it was the ugliest back handspring you've ever seen, but I could do it. It took me all of my sophomore and junior years of high school to get it down and to get up the courage to do it without a spot. I have this picture and a video from Nationals to prove it. I'm in the back on the left.

Right now I can barely waddle around and 6 years ago I could do a back handspring.

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  1. oh man im so sorry! hopefully he will come tonight :)

  2. Shauna - If Corby ever comes, you will be so excited you might do a handspring!

  3. Corby, dear, could you start doing a dance and get your Mommy's contractions started again. We would all really appreciate it :)

  4. Oh cheerleading days! At least you got got the self confidence to try it by yourself in competition! I, the lame-butt I was, never did! Hope your baby come soon!


  5. Oh, geeze...i'm sorry.

    "The waiting is the hardest part..."

    But you don't need me to tell you that.

    Mega hugs!
