Sunday, June 20, 2010


I promise I'm still working on the birth story post. This whole breastfeeding thing is a lot more frustrating and time-consuming than I anticipated. I knew it would be hard, but wow. I get so stressed out counting wet and poppy diapers and wondering if they are the right color.

Here are a few pictures from today to hold you over. Corby has thinned out a lot. I think he had a lot of extra water weight when he was born. He is looking very handsome.

We found out today that our poor baby has jaundice, so he is hanging out in a tanning bed. I know he'll be ok, but I hate seeing him like that.

Happy father's day to all the dads out there! Rog was very excited to get to be a dad today. Corby gave him a cute book called, "Just Like Daddy." It's a board book that Rog can read to him.
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  1. You look good! Cute lil man, I totally understand with the breastfeeding comment. Everyone told me oh its so natural to babies they know exactly what to do!....ummm no they dont- that was the hardest part, and so frustrating at times. But it gets better, just hang in there for a week or two.

  2. Isn't my grandbaby the cutest ever?

    I totally love being a grandma. I could spend days just watching Corby - babies are such a miracle :)

  3. Oh! He is absolutely gorgeous! Just soooo cute! :)

    Annnnnd you, dear Chief....did you r e a l l y just have a look "Ab" (Geddit?) Fab and lovely! Such a pic, with you holding him! Awwwwww.....

    Poor baby in a box...but, it could be worse, i'm sure grandpa Ford told you his tale.

    Re: Breastfeeding....i truly admire anyone who sticks with it...i am a Failure....

  4. Bet that's Grandma Lori holding him in the first pic...

    i'd know that watch anywhere ;0

  5. So cute! And, I do love that he's wearing the outfit we gave him. :)

  6. Absolutely adorable! I LOVE his rolls - the kind of rolls where you have to pinpoint his chin or arms or whatever by their proximity to his eyes. :) SO CUTE!

    And yes, breastfeeding is STRESSFUL! It is definitely not for wimps. I felt like all I did all day (and night) was whip 'em out and sit f-o-r-e-v-e-r. I suggest getting some really good audio books if you're getting bored with TV or music. What's Corbyn's longest stretch of sleep at night? It's so sad, but once you hit a good, solid 4 hours of sleep you feel like a million bucks the next day.... unless you have the Phillips' good genes of babies sleeping through the night from the start. We were not so fortunate.

  7. Just hadda come back and look at cutie! :)


  8. Boooo! I want a new post!

  9. Congratulations! He is adorable! I love all thepictures! I hope he gets better soon.
