Monday, June 7, 2010

Summer Decorations and Donuts

Even though we played Wii all afternoon and then went for a long walk last night, I'm still here with no baby. I was really hoping I'd wake up to contractions sometime in the night, but it didn't happen. So here's what I did last week other than finishing Corbyn's room which I already blogged about.

Last Wednesday I had a fun playdate with Emily and Rachel. We went to Wood Connection and Michaels to get wood crafts and the paint to paint them with. We also went to Paradise Bakery for lunch which was so yummy. I had never been before, but I can say with some certainty that I will be back! I got some more summer decorations, so watch for them to show up as the summer continues.

I made this watermelon for June.

And here is my completed table for June.

On Memorial Day Rod Works had a sale, so I got this plate holder. And I got these watermelon plates for 50% off at Roberts.

Friday was National Donut Day, so Krispy Kreme was giving out free donuts - not just glazed ones, the real good kinds. I almost beat up the lady in front of us because she took what appeared to be the last of the kind I wanted. Luckily there were more in the back.

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  1. haha youre funny, enjoy the time with no baby, you have the rest of your life to play with him!

  2. You really did almost beat up that lady in front of us. I'm glad for her sake that there were more in the back :)

  3. i'm sorry........thanks for the post :(

  4. Love it Love it Love it :)

    No free donuts here in Saint George :(

  5. Sometimes the best the food you never eat...

    Hang in there, Cupcake....the 11th is coming! ;)

  6. You could go to a Physicain that isn't your regular one ('cause yours is out of town) and without going in to all the gory details, have him say something to the effect of "Oh, look, i made you bleed".
    Sam was born at 8 AM the next morning.

    Sorry, was that too clinical? i'm used to the Med/Health crowd on the'Net. ("Mac Med")

    Did you get that great vid...not that you have a n y t h i n g else on you mind......

  7. Ha, ha...did you ever watch "Angel"? i loved, absolutely loved "Loren", the good demon, who always seemed to refer to the ladies as some sort of pastry..."Cupcake".

    "modess" Can they even use that as a!

  8. I did fear for that woman's life.

  9. Yep, i always kinda worried aboud "Fred" on "Angel" she proved far beyond a doubt that she could more than take care of herself!

  10. Does this mean it's time for me to break out my genuine Israeli Soldier uniform and protect the innocent donut seeking public of Spanish Fork???

    Boker tov!

  11. One more day! :) i know, because i am psyco...i mean, psychic!

  12. Chief
    Do you have an appointment today? Maybe you could get your doc to "do the move..."

    i am so awful.

    Veri "syllyn" Oh, yeah...that's me.
