Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This and That

Here is my table for August. I never was able to find the perfect plates for August (I wanted sun plates to match the August o), so the watermelon plates from June have been hanging in our kitchen. If anyone knows of a good store to get seasonal plates at a good price, please let me know. I didn't think finding them would be as hard as it is. I ordered my September plates from Target yesterday. I'm crossing my fingers that they will work because they will be pretty awesome if they do. Stay tuned...

I've never really admitted this on my blog before, but I have a pretty wicked sweet tooth. I usually try out a new dessert every week even if I don't have any particular reason or event I'm making it for. It's a problem. Anyway, this week's dessert was pretty awesome, so I thought I would share. It's the Pioneer Woman's Raspberry Cream Pie. If you're a fan of raspberries or oreos, I'd recommed it. It was super easy.

This week we're getting ready for our trip to Canada. We leave Saturday and will be gone all next week, so this will probably be my last post for awhile. We're going to do an easy, but awesome hike in Waterton, so we pulled out Corbyn's Snugli to see how it would work. He's still a little too short for it. Oh man, we had a good laugh.

I came up with a plan last night while I was sleeping that might make it work... We're going to try it out tonight.

Anyway, peace out dudes. Canada here we come! (If I can get us all packed and ready. I'm discovering it's way harder to get ready for a vacation with a baby!)
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  1. HAHAHA I love the snugli pictures - and I love how you caught the moment. So fun and cute!

  2. Hee, Corby looks like a little "Joey"...i'm loving it! The desert looks do you stay so skinny? (Hey, jealousy!)

    Have a fantastic trip!

  3. What a cute, smiley photo of Corby :)

    Peekaboo Corby, I see you peeking out . . .

    Looks delicious even if it is raspberries!

    And I love your August decorations too . . .

    How about I come tend Corby so you can get some packing done . . .
