Wednesday, November 10, 2010

October Decorations

October is one of my favorite months to decorate for. I had my decorations up pretty early in the month, but I never got around to posting about it. So here it is, mostly for my records.

My BOO blocks. I made them last year.

My pumpkin patch. Also made last year.

My table. All new this year. I found the Trick or Treat bowl at Kohl's and the rest is Wood Connection. Oh Wood Connection, I love you!

And my plates. I started out with 4, but 2 got broken throughout the month. They were a little small, so they fell out easy. Oops!

We also had a pumpkin that lit up in our window and orange lights around our front door, but Rog took them down before I got a picture.
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  1. Your "Boo's". Ha, ha, ha...

    They are all adorable and i truly admire your craftiness, especially since i have NO patience or talent for that type of thing...among others!

