Monday, November 15, 2010

Pumpkin Whoopie Pies

This recipe is probably my favorite new find this fall. It's homemade oreos meets autumn! I know I'm weird, but I don't really like pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. The chocolate chips ruin it for me! So I was happy to find a yummy pumpkin cookie without chocolate chips!

I made them for a BYU game we watched at the Pugh's casa earlier in the season. Then I made them again for our tailgate before the UNLV game and for Anna's baby shower. They were a hit every time!

Give them a try!

Pumpkin Whoopie Pies
from Betty Crocker's Fall Baking

1 pouch Betty Crocker sugar cookie mix
1 tablespoon flour
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1/3 cup butter or margarine, softened
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 egg
1 container Betty Crocker cream cheese frosting

Heat oven to 375 degrees. In a large bowl, stir together cookie mix and flour. Add remaining ingredients; stir until stiff dough forms. Onto ungreased cookie sheets, drop dough by rounded teaspoonfuls 2 inches apart. Lightly press tops with floured fingertips to flatten slightly. Bake 8 to 10 minutes. Cool 2 minutes and then remove from cookie sheets to cooling racks. Cool completely, about 15 minutes. Spread frosting on bottom of 1 cooled cookie. Top with second cookie, bottom side down to make a cookie sandwich.

And while I'm talking about fall treats, let me just mention that this recipe is to die for! I halfed the recipe (and used 7-Up instead of Mountain Dew because I had that already) and made them last night as a part of our Sunday dinner. I'm a little embarrased to say that Rog and I each had 3 dumplings. But if you try them, I'm sure you'll see why!
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  1. YUM! This is the second time today i have seen the Pumpkin Whoopie Pies on the 'net...!

    The ONLY good thing about not living close to you...i would weight , like, 300 pouds!

  2. I got some at the tailgate party and they are awesome!

    Thanks for the recipe :)

  3. You are my hero! Thank you for posting the recipe because I loved those cookies and I think I will make some this week. Thanks for inspiring me to be domestic. It's good for me! Take care.

  4. Oooo... Those looks delicious! I feel like I have been craving something just like this! :) Thanks for sharing, I will def. have to try these out!

  5. The whoopie pie looks soooo yummy! I'm craving sugar so bad argh!

    Love Pioneer Woman too, isn't she great? :)

  6. could i use a South African cookie mix? Have not seen Betty crocker mixes here!

  7. Happy five months Corby!



  8. Thanks for sharing! As a tradition breaker I can't wait to sneak these on the feast table!
