Thursday, December 30, 2010


Here are the highlights of our Christmas weekend.
Thursday [Little Christmas Eve]:
Packed and drove up to Salt Lake.
Took family pictures because this was the last time everyone will be together before Jared leaves on his mission. (I'll post them when we get them back, but she said it would be 2 weeks.)
Had our traditional Ririe Christmas Eve (a day early).
{Just a cute one of me and my baby!}
{Me and Jared enjoying the yummy dinner we had - ham, funeral potatoes, salad, green bean casserole, orange rolls.}

Friday [Christmas Eve]:
Double date with Diana and Jason. We got Nielsen's Frozen Custard (Jason's favorite) and then the girls saw How Do You Know and the guys saw The Tourist.
Had a delicious dinner with the Fords.
Put Corby to bed.
{Check out his cute Christmas pajamas from his Grandma Lori.}

The adults opened presents. Rog and my parents got me an iPhone (3GS)!

{This is me opening the box. Inside was a clue that sent me on a scavenger hunt around the house to find the actual phone.}

Saturday [Christmas]:
Rog got up with the Corb and let me sleep in until 10:00!
Had a delicious Christmas breakfast.
Watched Corby open his presents. (He had a little help!)
{A cute toy that suctions on his high chair tray.}
{Playing in the boxes.}
{With his Little People Nativity.}
{Corby drew my mom in our family gift exchange. He may have had a little help making this gift. I think grandma liked it.}
Met up with the Phillips clan for the evening. We had the sibling gift exchange and watched Mike and Dixie open their gifts from the kids. We got Dixie a laptop and she was pretty dang surprised and excited!
{Corby with his gift from Grandma and Grandpa Phillips - a Leap Frog.}
{Roger's grandpa made all 13 of his grandchildren a clock! Isn't it beautiful?!}
Went to Sacrament Meeting at my grandparent's ward.
Packed and loaded up our car. It was seriously stuffed with all our presents (mostly Corby's).
Met up with the Phillips again. Walked around inside the Grand America up in SLC. They had beautiful window displays and gingerbread houses.
Had dinner at In-N-Out.
Walked around temple square. We spent most of our time putting Corby's boots, socks, and gloves back on him after he'd get them off!
{Corb loves being on Daddy's shoulders.}
{Our family in the place Rog proposed to me 4 years ago!}
Drove back to Spanish Fork.

We had a wonderful Christmas! Though it definitely went by too fast!
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1 comment:

  1. I am glad we were part of many of these memories.

    And YES, grandma really loves her gift from Corby :)
