Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2010 Resolutions

Here's a review of our 2010 resolutions.
(Finally, I know... I'm a little behind. But I'm working on getting caught up.)
1. Take a cake decorating class. Done.
2. Start an etsy shop. Nope. I thought about it all year, but I never got around to it.
3. Be supportive of whatever job Rog takes and wherever that means we will be moving. Done. Ok, that ended up being an easy one, but it could have been really hard if we moved somewhere crazy.
4. Get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and body by the end of the year. Done. And more. I now weigh about 10 pounds less than I did before I was pregnant! I was lucky and it just happened. Thank you breastfeeding!
1. Get a full-time job with benefits. Done.
2. Eat more fruit. Done. Really that's hard to measure, but he says he did it, so we'll count it. :)
3. Run a half marathon. Nope. Corbyn kind of messed with his training schedule.
4. Graduate from BYU. Done.
1. Grow big and strong. Done. A little too big if you ask me, Mr. 10 pound baby!
2. Join us on this earth in June (not before). Done.
3. Be healthy and cute. Done. I'm a little biased, but is he not the cutest baby ever?!
4. Let mommy sleep. He has always been a pretty good sleeper (until recently), so we'll give him that one too.
And our family resolutions:
1. Buy a house or a townhouse. Done.
2. Finish doing work in all the temples in Utah. Nope. We made it to the Oquirrh Mountain temple and the Ogden temple, but we still have to go to Vernal and Manti.
3. Make sure we continue our good habits of family prayer, scripture study, FHE, etc... after Baby Phillips is born. Done.
4. Go to the temple at least once a month. Done. We went at the very beginning of June and the last day of July to make sure that resolution happened!
Well, we didn't accomplish all our goals, but I think we did pretty good. It was a busy year, you know!
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