Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bday Celebration and a Bball Game

Last Friday night we celebrated my birthday with the Pughs. We got Chili's to go and watched/listened to the BYU basketball game at the Pugh's apartment. They didn't have the station the game was on, but we found it online and hooked up their laptop to the tv. It would freeze a lot, so we were also listening to it on the radio. It wasn't the best watching situation, but the game was AMAZING! Jimmer scored 52 points and broke all kinds of records.
Emily made me a skookie for my cake. MMMM! I love skookies!
Thanks for a great night Pughs!
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  1. wtf is a skookie....? Visit my litle blog some day?...

  2. Zack and Emily are THE BEST :)

    A Skookie is a Skillet Cookie - A big cookie cooked in a small skillet. We gave Shauna one for Christmas:)

    Tracy, is there any way you can have an email sent when you post to your blog like Shauna's and Diana's does so we know when to check it?

  3. Ummm, i don't know.....thanks for asking! Thar was a Skookie!

  4. ummm, sorry for the language blip...and the begging...sigh.

  5. So, the thing didn't tell me that BYU is number 4...i learned it at the Downtown Campus of J.Sargent Renyolds, in the student lounge, where the big screen tv is always on Sports Center.


  6. ooooh skookies... that sounds amazing! your little guy is changing so much already! he's not a little tiny baby anymore! don't you hate how they have to grow up!?
