Sunday, March 27, 2011


This is going to be one of those random posts... There you've been warned.
A few weeks ago Rog got called to be the Ward Mission Leader. This is the 3rd time he's had that calling. He had it when we were dating in our single's ward, when we were first married in our student ward, and now in our family ward. He loves missionary work, so it is a good calling for him.
Last weekend Rog's cousin, Kyle, got married in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. Tay and Martha came down from Rexburg and stayed with us. It was fun to have visitors for a few days. Rog's mom came from Colorado and stayed with KD and Phat Tony. So we didn't see as much of her, but we did enjoy spending the time we did with her.
Saturday morning they had a breakfast at Mimi's Cafe. Rog and I were focused
on feeding Corby, so our food was a little cold by the time we got to it. But it was still pretty delish. Stacey watched Corbyn for us while we went to the actual sealing that afternoon. We were nervous he wouldn't do very well because we haven't left him with anyone other than family. But she said he was great! At the reception that evening Corbyn tried strawberries,
grapes, and pineapple for the first time. He made quite a mess of himself, his dad's white shirt, and KD's sweater! But he seemed to really enjoy himself.
After the reception we went to the Carl Bloch exhibit at the Museum of Art at BYU. It was pretty dang cool! It's visiting until May 7th, so if you get a chance, go check it out.
This picture has nothing to do with anything, but it was taken that weekend and I thought it was a cute one of me and my little buddy.
Corby's new favorite room is our downstairs bathroom. It was quiet for a few minutes and this is how we found him. I feel like every baby has to have a picture like this.
We have decided to sell our scooter, Cliff. We got him when we were first married and he has been a great addition to our family. I have many fond memories riding on him to APX, around campus, and to football games and a few not so fond memories when we rode him in the FREEZING cold. He saved us so much money on gas and was perfect for campus life.
But now that Rog works too far away to take him and he's not exactly built for a baby, we thought we should pass him on to someone who could get more use out of him. We've listed him on KSL and Craigslist, but I thought I would mention it on here. He's a Kymco Agility 50cc scooter with 9,000 km on him. We bought him new and have kept up on all the scheduled maintenance. Let me know if you or anyone you know might be interested.
I finished Catching Fire and Mockingjay in the Hunger Games series. I really liked the whole series. Mockingjay was my least favorite of the 3, but I still liked it.
{Spoiler alert.} I was so happy Katniss ended up with Peeta. And that Peeta was able to overcome being Hijacked. Oh and very happy that they had children. Catching Fire andMockingjay really made me sad for the victors. I mean they worked so hard to win the games, but then their lives are pretty much destroyed. I felt like Katniss couldn't have been happy with Gale because he didn't understand what it was like to be a victor. But Rog and I both agree there should have been some sort of closure between Gale and Katniss. And heavens, why did Prim have to die? That was the whole reason Katniss volunteered - so she wouldn't have to die! And I don't believe that Katniss would have actually voted for there to be one last Hunger Games. I was really surprised by that. But overall, a great series!
So that means I'm halfway done with my goal to read 6 books this year! I have no idea what to read now. Suggestions are welcome!


  1. i can't see the pictures...however, i am sure they are great!

    You have been busy little Beavers, er, Cougers these days!

    Sorry 'bout the game. :(

    i can give you a huge list of book ideas...check out my profile or blog or just ask!

    "Cutting for Stone" is excellent, i didn't want it to end!

    There is something for you on my blog!

  2. Katniss only votet for one last hunger games as part of her plan to kill what's-her-name in the end. she didn't really want it and it never happened. I though the same thing at first though.

  3. So very excited to see the photos!

    It's just one adventure after another with a baby :)

    Glad you've got Corby's life well documented!

    Love the photos!

    It's time for a visit from Grandma Lori - hehe

  4. The pic's are so them!

    Especially the one with you and your little guy...just precious!

    Thanks for visiting my "blob"...loved the grasshopper story...epic! Did you watch the David Dow interview? Amazing book.

    Loves to All!
